Centimeters to Millimeters Converter

Easily convert Centimeters to Millimeters and vice-versa.

Please provide a valid value in Centimeters.

About Centimeters to Millimeters Converter

Cm to mm converter is an online unit converter from centimeters to millimeters and vice-versa. This calculator will help you to save time and avoid time-consuming operations. Pick the unit you need by clicking in the "switch" button and move from cm to millimeters or millimeters to cm.

How to use Centimeters to Millimeters Converter

Converting from centimeters to millimeters

  1. Type the unit in centimeters you want to convert in the "Centimeters" section.
  2. Wait few milliseconds until the unit is converted.
  3. Check the result displayed in the "Millimeters" section.

Converting from millimeters to centimeters

  1. Click in the "Switch" button to switch the cms input to millimeters input.
  2. Type the unit in millimeters you want to convert in the "Millimeters" section.
  3. Wait few milliseconds until the unit is converted.
  4. Check the result displayed in the "Centimeters" section.