GIF to TGA Converter

Online GIF to TGA image conversion with high quality (no compression).

Please, provide a valid image format.

About GIF to TGA Converter

GIF to TGA is an image converter that helps you quickly get .tga files from .gif images. This tool provides a simple way to convert BMP to TGA files. Also, you will get TGA files with the best quality (same quality as in the original file), and there is no limit to convert images, so you can convert all the images you want.

How to convert GIF to TGA

  1. Pick and upload a .gif file from your device.
  2. Click the "Convert" button to start the conversion process and wait few seconds until conversion is completed.
  3. Click the displayed "Download" button to save the generated TGA file on your device.

File Formats

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

The GIF format is very popular low-color image format with many years since its creation and wide adoption on the Internet. This file format is mainly used for animated images and small graphics like logos or banners. GIF supports transparency and compression. For animations, frames and timing information is stored in a single file. Most browsers support GIF as a web animation format.

TGA (Truevision Graphics Adapter)

TGA is an image file format related to TARGA files and developed in 1984 by Truevision Inc. TGA files can use lossless compression but is raw and uncompressed by default. The max color range for tga format is 16M and the low-color mode is always 256. TGA files are much larger than similar formats but has very high compatibility with video gaming and animation sectors.